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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 93 05:08:18
From: Space Digest maintainer <digests@isu.isunet.edu>
Reply-To: Space-request@isu.isunet.edu
Subject: Space Digest V16 #088
To: Space Digest Readers
Precedence: bulk
Space Digest Fri, 29 Jan 93 Volume 16 : Issue 088
Today's Topics:
Biosphere 2 Oxygen..
Biosphere 2 Oxygen and other Questions
Clinton's Promises (space) in Charlotte Observer
Dynamics or Mechanics?
How the media portrays scientists? RE: Was bumbling geek...
MIR to Mars
Reason for SSTO/DCX and Market
Sabatier Reactors.
Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger (7 msgs)
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Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 03:25:26 GMT
From: nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu
Subject: Beanstalk?
Newsgroups: sci.space
Does anyone know anythng about how to build a beanstalk?
Michael Adams
Alias: Morgoth/Ghost Wheel
Date: 28 Jan 93 10:57:29 GMT
From: nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu
Subject: Biosphere 2 Oxygen..
Newsgroups: sci.space
Did you all say you were using potatos in your Biosphere..
I know they are high in nitrogen fixing as well as I think storing CO2 as
carbohydrates (I think?).. I know potatos were a prime reason for the growth of
the later industrial revolution..
I know my mom uses worms to break down her compost (fishheads, paper, misc veg
matter).. Talk to Jane about my mom and step dad (Im Michael).
I know my "parents" garden is nicely done.. Rabbit manuer provide fertilizer,
worms provide composte. Lady bugs provide alot.. Bees some more and a little
only knowledge helps alot.. Some local people have ways of turning bugs away
and such.. I wish someone would do a study of Native Alaskan medical/herbal
Michael Adams alias Ghost Wheel/Morgoth NSMCA@acad2.alaska.edu
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 11:43:00 PST
From: Taber@bio2.com
Subject: Biosphere 2 Oxygen and other Questions
Typo correction to "Biosphere 2 Oxygen and other
CaCO3 when heated forms CaO + CO2, not CaCO and
Taber MacCallum
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 05:52:39 GMT
From: Robert Patrick Campbell <rpcamp@leland.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Clinton's Promises (space) in Charlotte Observer
Newsgroups: sci.space
>Jerry Pournelle, hum.. Does anyone have access to a ear at the Planetary
>Society? Pass these ideas on to them...
>Does Jerry Pournell have anet address (drop box is better)??
jerryp@bix.com will work...I'm sure that he has others as well.
...Rob Campbell
Stanford University
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 13:39:03 PST
From: "UTADNX::UTDSSA::GREER"@utspan.span.nasa.gov
Subject: Dynamics or Mechanics?
What is the difference between orbital mechanics and orbital dynamics?
Dale M. Greer, whose opinions are not to be confused with those of the
Center for Space Sciences, U.T. at Dallas, UTSPAN::UTADNX::UTDSSA::GREER
"Let machines multiply, doing the work of many,
But let the people have no use for them." - Lao Tzu
Date: 28 Jan 93 10:29:14 GMT
From: nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu
Subject: How the media portrays scientists? RE: Was bumbling geek...
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <1993Jan27.202027.1@fnalf.fnal.gov>, higgins@fnalf.fnal.gov (Bill Higgins-- Beam Jockey) writes:
> In article <1993Jan26.190640.1@acad3.alaska.edu>, nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu writes:
>> Also start or help local quality TV organizations, namely cause of what I have
>> seen the basic bent for modern TV is a prime help for the lack of science in
>> the current crop of students..
> [I am having trouble parsing this, but it seems to be connected to what
> follows.]
>> Im not talking violence, Im talking about who is cool and who is not..
>> Scientists many times are not cool, they are egghead, nerds, geeks and such..
>> Bumbling social idiots.. (I might be wrong)..
> With all due respect, Mike, you are wrong.
> *I* am cool.
> Ask anybody.
> Bill Higgins, Beam Jockey | Here Lies Bill Higgins:
> Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | He Never Ever Learned
> Bitnet: HIGGINS@FNAL.BITNET | To Play Guitar So Well
> Internet: HIGGINS@FNAL.FNAL.GOV | But He Could Read and Write
> SPAN/Hepnet: 43011::HIGGINS | Just Like Ringing A Bell
My comments where not directed against living people.
More towards what scientists are portrayed as.. I might be wrong but most of
the scientist types in th emovies/TV are generally supporting characters,who
are brains but no cool.. (except for maybe Dr. Jones (Indiana)).
This topic might not be for this area/newsgroup or maybe it is..
Question, how do you all "scientists" see how holywood has portrrayed you
all in movies and TV?? (including news and the media)???
Michael Adams
Alias: Morgoth/Ghost Wheel
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 09:22:07 -0800
From: ganderson@nebula.decnet.lockheed.com
Subject: MIR to Mars
On the subject of MIR to Mars.
I was present at ISU '91 in Toulouse France. The Soviets from NPO
ENERGIA gave a presentation on their version of a Mars mission and there
is no doubt that MIR was part of the plan. The summer project at ISU
was an International Mars Mission and the Soviets (now Russians) were
interested in teaming up with anyone.
the technical means for using a MIR to get to Mars were being worked on
right up until the lastdays of the Soviet Empire. I'm sure I still
have the pictures in my notes but I can remember them well. The idea
was to attach two VERY BIG solar arrays to a MIR complex and use
electric propulsion. The trip times were long, but that is why Russia
was concentrating on long duration MIR flights. This also was the
force behind their advanced electric propulsion research. My impression
was that they were planning an attempt to Mars for about 1997 or so.
I was left with the(perhaps mistaken) impression that the Russians
were going to accept a lot of risk in order to pull off the trip. I
know that there were some questions as to whether MIR would physically
deteriorate over the long mission timeline (due to humidity INSIDE the
vehicle, not outside fluences.)
P.S. The ISU mission used artificial g through rotation of a truss
structure (not tethers). We settled on .37 g (Mars) after a lot of
agruement with the Bio folks. Anyone who is interested can get a copy
of the report from ISUU headquarters in Boston (its about 700 pages,
bound and costs $25-55, I can't remember how much.)
Grant Anderson
Sr. Design Engineer
Lockheed Space Station WP-04
P.P.S I maybe wasn't clear enough. MIR was conceived as a trial Mars
Mission vehicle, not a space station in the earth orbiting sense. That
was the impression I received.
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 13:56:51 GMT
From: "Allen W. Sherzer" <aws@iti.org>
Subject: Reason for SSTO/DCX and Market
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <1993Jan27.190643.1@acad3.alaska.edu> nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu writes:
>Long Distance flights seem perfect, namely the London or Paris to Tokyo/Hong
>Kong Route.. Or maybe Australia to US or Australia to Europe..
The ticket will cost (round trip) $100,000 to $200,000 (assuming you pack
them in like sardiens for a very uncomfortable trip). That's roughly a
years pay for a typical corporate senior executive.
This is not a very big market.
| Allen W. Sherzer | "A great man is one who does nothing but leaves |
| aws@iti.org | nothing undone" |
+----------------------138 DAYS TO FIRST FLIGHT OF DCX----------------------+
Date: 28 Jan 93 12:04:16 GMT
From: Roger Alexander <ralex@lclark.edu>
Subject: Sabatier Reactors.
Newsgroups: sci.space
>Also for your information, NASA has been flying station precursors for
>over ten years now. They are called Spacelab. Also the new SpaceHab will
>be flying on STS-57 in April. These are dependent on Shuttle for
>utilities, but are doing the most important SSF precursor work, which is
>the experiments for microgravity. Also NASA has sponsored COMET, which will
>fly in March, which is a free flying microgravity laboratory with a return
>module for returning samples that have been through their process cycle.
Do you know where on Internet I might find people discussing microgravity
research in detail? What's the state of such research right now? Who's doing
it, where, and how long has it been going on, that kind of thing...
- Roger ralex@lclark.edu
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 13:30:25 GMT
From: James L Olive <jolive@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <1993Jan25.174016.3300@cnsvax.uwec.edu> mcelwre@cnsvax.uwec.edu writ
> Although the following article is on the subject of religious studies, it
>illustrates some important facts about the Universe:
> (1) The physical universe is ONLY the LOWEST of at least a DOZEN major
>levels of existence.
> (2) Certain phenomena which seem to have no physical origin result from
>INTERACTIONS between the physical universe and HIGHER LEVELS.
> (3) It is possible for INDIVIDUALS to PERSONALLY explore the Universe,
>including our Solar System, using forms of "SOUL TRAVEL". Some of these forms
>are also known as "out-of-body travel" and "Astral projection". [This is
>DANGEROUS without the protection of a Perfect Living Master as described
> Most Christians would agree, and correctly so, that
> Jesus Christ was a perfect living Master, and a projection of
> God into the physical world, God Incarnate.
> But there are some very important related facts that
> Christians are COMPLETELY IGNORANT of, as are followers of
> most other world religions.
> First, Jesus Christ was NOT unique, John 3:16 NOTWITH-
> STANDING. There is ALWAYS at least one such perfect living
> Master (God Incarnate) PHYSICALLY ALIVE in this world AT ALL
> TIMES, a continuous succession THROUGHOUT HISTORY, both
> before and after the life of Jesus.
> The followers of some of these Masters founded the
> world's major religions, usually PERVERTING the teachings of
> their Master in the process. Christians, for example, added
> teaching of REincarnation.
> Secondly, and more importantly, after a particular
> Master physically dies and leaves this world, there is
> NOTHING that He can do for ANYbody except for the relatively
> few people that He INITIATED while He was still physically
> alive. (That is simply the way God set things up in the
> Universes.)
> Therefore, all those Christians who worship Jesus, and
> pray to Jesus, and expect Jesus to return and save them from
> their sins, are only KIDDING THEMSELVES, and have allowed
> themselves to be DUPED by a religion that was mostly
> MANUFACTURED by the Romans.
> And emotional "feelings" are a TOTALLY DECEIVING
> indicator for religious validity.
> These things are similarly true for followers of most
> other major world religions, including Islam.
> Thirdly, the primary function of each Master is to tune
> His Initiates into the "AUDIBLE LIFE STREAM" or "SOUND
> CURRENT", (referred to as "THE WORD" in John 1:1-5, and as
> "The River of Life" in Revelation 22:1), and to personally
> guide each of them thru the upper levels of Heaven while they
> are still connected to their living physical bodies by a
> "silver cord".
> True Salvation, which completes a Soul's cycles of
> REincarnation in the physical and psychic planes, is achieved
> only by reaching at least the "SOUL PLANE", which is five
> levels or universes above the physical universe, and this
> canNOT be done without the help of a Perfect LIVING Master.
> One such perfect Master alive today is an American, Sri
> Harold Klemp, the Living "Eck" Master or "Mahanta" for the
> "Eckankar" organization, now headquartered in Minneapolis,
> (P.O. Box 27300; zip 55427).
> Another perfect living Master is Maharaj Gurinder Singh
> Ji, now living in Punjab, India, and is associated with the
> "Sant Mat" organization.
> One of the classic books on this subject is "THE PATH OF
> THE MASTERS" (Radha Soami Books, P.O. Box 242, Gardena, CA
> 90247), written in 1939 by Dr. Julian Johnson, a theologian
> and surgeon who spent the last years of his life in India
> studying under and closely observing the Sant Mat Master of
> that time, Maharaj Sawan Singh Ji.
> Several of the Eckankar books, including some authored
> by Sri Paul Twitchell or Sri Harold Klemp, can be found in
> most public and university libraries and some book stores, or
> obtained thru inter-library loan. The book "ECKANKAR--THE
> KEY TO SECRET WORLDS", by Sri Paul Twitchell, is ANOTHER
> classic.
> Many Christians are likely to confuse the Masters with
> the "Anti-Christ", which is or was to be a temporary world
> dictator during the so-called "last days". But the Masters
> don't ever rule, even when asked or expected to do so as
> Jesus was.
> People who continue following Christianity, Islam, or
> other orthodox religions with a physically DEAD Master, will
> CONTINUE on their cycles of REincarnation, between the
> psychic planes and this MISERABLE physical world, until they
> finally WISE UP!
> The book "HERE AND HEREAFTER", by Ruth Montgomery,
> describes several kinds of evidence supporting REincarnation
> as a FACT OF LIFE, including HYPNOTIC REGRESSIONS to past
> lives, SPONTANEOUS RECALL (especially by young children, some
> of whom can identify their most recent previous relatives,
> homes, possessions, etc.), DREAM RECALL of past life experi-
> ences, DEJA VU (familiarity with a far off land while travel-
> ing there for the first time on vacation), the psychic read-
> FROM THE CHRISTIAN BIBLE including Matthew 17:11-13 (John the
> Baptist was the REINCARNATION of Elias.) and John 9:1-2 (How
> can a person POSSIBLY sin before he is born, unless he LIVED
> versions are PER-VERSIONS! ] Strong INTERESTS, innate
> TALENTS, strong PHOBIAS, etc., typically originate from a
> person's PAST LIVES. For example, a strong fear of swimming
> in or traveling over water usually results from having
> DROWNED at the end of a PREVIOUS LIFE. And sometimes a
> person will take AN IMMEDIATE DISLIKE to another person being
> met for the first time, because of a bad encounter with him
> The teaching of REincarnation also includes the LAW OF
> KARMA (Galatians 6:7, Revelation 13:10, etc.). People would
> behave much better toward each other if they knew that their
> actions in the present will surely be reaped by them in the
> future, or in a FUTURE INCARNATION!
Seems as though you've spent a great amount of time studying the bible for
such a worthless cause as christianity.
> "2nd COMINGS"
> If a Perfect Living Master physically dies ("trans-
> lates") before a particular Initiate of His does, then when
> that Initiate physically dies ("translates"), the Master will
> meet him on the Astral level and take him directly to the
> Soul Plane. This is the ONE AND ONLY correct meaning of a
> 2nd Coming. It is an INDIVIDUAL experience, NOT something
> that happens for everyone all at once. People who are still
> waiting for Jesus' "2nd Coming" are WAITING IN VAIN.
> The physical universe is the LOWEST of AT LEAST a DOZEN
> major levels of existence. Above the Physical Plane is the
> Astral Plane, the Causal Plane, the Mental Plane, the Etheric
> Plane (often counted as the upper part of the Mental Plane),
> the Soul Plane, and several higher Spiritual Planes. The
> Soul Plane is the FIRST TRUE HEAVEN, (counting upward from
> the Physical). The planes between (but NOT including) the
> Physical and Soul Planes are called the Psychic Planes.
> It is likely that ESP, telepathy, astrological
> influences, radionic effects, biological transmutations [See
> the 1972 book with that title.], and other phenomena without
> an apparent physical origin, result from INTERACTIONS between
> the Psychic Planes and the Physical Plane.
> The major planes are also SUB-DIVIDED. For example, a
> sub-plane of the Astral Plane is called "Hades", and the
> Christian Hell occupies a SMALL part of it, created there
> kind of black magic or by simply teaching its existence in a
> THREATENING manner. The Christian "Heaven" is located
> elsewhere on the Astral Plane. Good Christians will go there
> for a short while and then REincarnate back to Earth.
The second coming gives most the hope for a better life in the future,
instead of the "We're all doomed" feeling when confronted with death. Is this
really so bad?
> The Christian religion demands of its followers an
> extraordinary amount of BLIND FAITH backed up by little more
> If a person is not HEARING some form of the "SOUND
> then his cycles of REINCARNATION in this MISERABLE world WILL
> The "SOUND CURRENT" manifests differently for different
> Initiates, and can sound like a rushing wind, ocean waves on
> the sea shore, buzzing bees, higher-pitched buzzing sound, a
> flute, various heavenly music, or other sounds. In Eckankar,
> Members start hearing it near the end of their first year as
> a Member. This and other experiences (such as "SOUL TRAVEL")
> REPLACE blind faith.
> Robert E. McElwaine
> 2nd Initiate in Eckankar
Its fine to post your opinions on an open domain, but lets be careful
not to inflict harm on the religious beliefs of some of the readers. It seems
as though you may have a personal "grudge" against religion. If you don't
agree with the beliefs, then please ignore them.
Jim O.
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 05:42:07 GMT
From: Robert Patrick Campbell <rpcamp@leland.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
In article <1993Jan28.010055.1691@ringer.cs.utsa.edu> sbooth@lonestar.utsa.edu (Simon E. Booth) writes:
>Just a reminder- 7 years ago today- 11:38am EST....
>So, where were you when the Challenger disaster took place?
Well, I was done class early that morning and went home for lunch (I was on
M.S.Time). I flipped on the T.V. and saw the shuttle about to launch. I
found out later that this was post-explosion coverage, but when I switched
on the 'tube they had decided to show the launch sans commentary, just
listening to mission control. So for me, it was "real time" with no
warning. I just thought "cool--a shuttle launch," and couldn't believe it
when it exploded.
...Rob Campbell
Stanford University
Date: 27 Jan 1993 22:38:10 -0800
From: "Mr. Nitro Plastique" <orly@aludra.usc.edu>
Subject: Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
I was in my 8th grade physics class when our principal went on the P.A. system
and told us the news. We wee sent home early (about 12:30 E.S.T.) When I got
home, my Dad didn't even know about it, and I told him to turn on the VCR to
tape any channel, he asked me what happened. He couldn't believe it either.
Now that I'm a junio studying Aerospace Engineeing at USC, I know that the
Challenger accident told us that NASA and ou technology is not pefect, and it
never will be. We learned fom our mistakes on Jan. 28, 1986, but we still have
alot to lean before space flight will ever be a outine part of all our lives.
We learn fom cas accidents, plane accidents, and home accidents, and there is
always a small chance that something will go wong sooner or later.
Unfortunately, for the STS-26 crew, it happened sooner.
Victor R. Orly
|Victor R. Orly | "Try to imagine all life as you know it, |
|aka "Mr. Nitro Plastique" | stopping instantaneously, and every molecule |
|Univ. of Southern California | in your body exploding at the speed of light"|
|Internet: orly@aludra.usc.edu| -Egon Spengler, from "Ghostbusters" |
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 19:41:06 GMT
From: Nick Haines <nickh@CS.CMU.EDU>
Subject: Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
In article <5=r30mh@rpi.edu> gallas2@marcus.its.rpi.edu (Sean Michael Gallagher) writes:
[about the Challenger disaster...]
Where were you? I was in grade school, and it was raining so we were inside
for our lunchtime recess. The teachers let us watch the launch live (My
teacher was a teacher-in-space candidate.) We spent the whole afternoon
trying to figure out what happened, and the flag was lowered to half-staff
that day and for the following week. I can't believe they wouldn't let you
discuss one of the most tragic events in recent history.
Oh, give me a break. Seven trained people, flying a brand-new,
more-or-less untested vehicle? They knew the risks. How is this even
comparable to massive tragedies like the famines in the Horn of
Africa, or the Azerbaijan earthquake, or even to the Lockerbie
bombing? To any airliner crash? There are even highway pileups which
kill more.
Sure, it's a tragedy. But don't go blowing it out of proportion.
Nick Haines nickh@cmu.edu
PS: I was in school, heard about it from a teacher, watched it on TV
that evening.
Date: 28 Jan 1993 06:44:46 GMT
From: "Mr. John E. Holeman" <johnh@xanth.CS.ORST.EDU>
Subject: Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
I was in my seventh-grade english class, when my teacher walked in and, as
calmly as he could, said that the space shuttle had blown up. A science class
down the hall had been watching it. The teacher of that class came into the
room, called ours out who returned with the news. We all thought that it was
some tasteless joke. I did especially; being a major fan of the space program
for as long as I can remember...It wasn't until much much later that I got to
see the footage(on the evening news, over and over and over again), that I
lost my doubts as to whether or not it had actually happened. I am glad to
see that the accident did not put any impossible road-blocks in the space
program, and that it kind of put the politicians in charge of verifying
launches back in their place. Hopefully, there is still a good future in the
space program and NASA...
Date: 28 Jan 93 13:57:54 GMT
From: FRANK NEY <tnc!m0102>
Subject: Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
> I can't believe they wouldn't let you discuss on of the most tragic
> events in recent history.
I can. Public schools are notorious for the collection of politically
correct liberals infesting them. They probably thought that the money
would have been better spent on welfare and that NASA and the
Challenger Seven deserved what they got.
God, I hate PC Libs! Especially when they are in positions to
indoctrinate our future.
The Next Challenge - Public Access Unix in Northern Va. - Washington D.C.
703-803-0391 To log in for trial and account info.
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 93 13:44:54 GMT
From: "Gordon J. Bennett" <gordonb@liebnitz.ssd.kodak.com>
Subject: Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
I was sitting at my desk at work when a friend walked into my cube and
told me the shuttle had blown up. I was so stunned, my first (and, in
retrospect, incredibly stupid) thought was "That can't be true. NASA
would never let that happen!" Ironically enough, this was the first
launch I missed watching live on TV. I didn't bring my Sony Watchman
in to work to watch it because they had gotten 'routine'.
My company set up TVs all over the building, and all afternoon people
would stop what they were doing, walk over to a set, watch a replay of
the explosion, then drift away in silence...
Gordon Bennett bennett@sneaks.kodak.com
A second Flood, a simple famine, plagues of locusts everywhere,
Or a cataclysmic earthquake I'd accept with some despair.
But no, You sent us Congress! Good God, Sir, was that fair?
- John Adams, _1776_
Date: 28 Jan 93 13:59:01 GMT
From: Greg Kushmerek <gkushmer@jade.tufts.edu>
Subject: Today in 1986-Remember the Challenger
Newsgroups: sci.space,sci.space.shuttle
I was a sophomore in high school too.
I was part of the local cable-TV studio, run out of the school. We had
the video broadcast of the shuttle launch up on one of the monitors 'cause
someone was recording it to use it for something. I was watching the
screen as it kept climbing in the air, but I had to turn my head for a
minute to do something.
Next minute I turned and looked at the screen and was a little confused by the
sight of the vapor trails twisting away from each other. A few
people in the room were curious too. At first I just wrote it off as the
boosters' separation. Then I noted how quiet everyone in Florida had
become. As soon as I heard it was the worst, I ran out and started telling
people in the classrooms.
Little else got done that day. . .
Greg Kushmerek
"The early worm becomes an appetizer"
id AA21653; Thu, 28 Jan 93 12:27:33 EST
Received: from crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu by VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU
id aa11976; 28 Jan 93 12:22:21 EST
Xref: crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu sci.aeronautics:5455 sci.research.careers:1787 sci.space:55321 soc.college.grad:3162
Newsgroups: sci.aeronautics,sci.research.careers,sci.space,soc.college.grad
Path: crabapple.srv.cs.cmu.edu!cantaloupe.srv.cs.cmu.edu!rochester!udel!bogus.sura.net!howland.reston.ans.net!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!saimiri.primate.wisc.edu!usenet.coe.montana.edu!news.u.washington.edu!raven.alaska.edu!acad3.alaska.edu!nsmca
From: nsmca@acad3.alaska.edu
Subject: Re: Orbital Mechanics--Careers?, Poker Flats.
Message-Id: <1993Jan27.192308.1@acad3.alaska.edu>
Lines: 56
Sender: USENET News System <news@raven.alaska.edu>
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References: <1993Jan27.070433.3488@nntpd.lkg.dec.com> <1k6pngINNrc5@srvr1.engin.umich.edu> <1993Jan28.005309.674@chpc.utexas.edu>
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1993 03:23:08 GMT
Source-Info: Sender is really news@CRABAPPLE.SRV.CS.CMU.EDU
Source-Info: Sender is really isu@VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU
In article <1993Jan28.005309.674@chpc.utexas.edu>, byab314@chpc.utexas.edu (Srinivas Bettadpur) writes:
> In article <1k6pngINNrc5@srvr1.engin.umich.edu> Michael F. Kamprath <kamprath@space-grant.sprl.umich.edu> writes:
>>In article <1993Jan27.070433.3488@nntpd.lkg.dec.com> My name is Nasser
>>Abbasi, abbasi@star.enet.dec.com writes:
>>>In article <1jqitsINN48q@geraldo.cc.utexas.edu>, mjones@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
>>>(mark jones) writes...
>>>> etc.... What are the opportunities
>>>>in orbital mechanics and will they still be there in 5 or 6 years.
>>>since defense and aerospace are not doing too well, one would think
>>>OM area might not be too hot. is there actually an MS in OM? or is
>>>OM studied under control engineering? or mechanical engineering?
>>It is not "official," i guess, but I would say I was getting my
>>degree in orbital mechanics.
> Since not many places offer even a half-way decent program in
> orbital mechanics, I was expecting this thread to die a natural
> death. I was kind of surprised to see the number of responses.
> A quick summary on the queen of sciences (OM) :
> * Almost all Aero departments will offer at least one undergraduate
> class in the basics of celestial mechanics (CM).
> * I know of UT-Austin, MIT, Stanford, UC-Boulder, VPISU, U. Mich-Ann
> Arbor, U. Ill.-UC, Purdue, Auburn U. as offering any significant
> graduate programs in CM in the US.
> * UT-A is far and away the best (I am biased), with 8 faculty
> members in this area, and at least 4 undergrad classes and more than
> 15 graduate classes. No other university comes even close in terms of
> sheer numbers. The largest number in any other place is 3 (I think).
> * Typical places for employment might include JPL, NASA-(gsfc and
> jsc), Lockheed, Rockwell, Martin Marietta, Aerospace Corp., Hughes STX
> and a bunch of other Aerospace companies.
> Srinivas
> --
> Srinivas Bettadpur Internet : byab314@hermes.chpc.utexas.edu
> P.O. Box 8520, Austin, Tx. 78713-8520, U.S.A. Tel. (512) 471 4332
> BITNET : byab314@uthermes
Im not sure, but I think the University of Alaska Fairbanks might have a few
classes in celestial mechanics, after all they do have Poker Flats the only US
University Run Sub-Orbital (snd some Orbital) atmospheric launch site.. Uses
old Nike or Atlas Rockets(I think). Also is the farthest north laucnh site in
the world if I remember right, its a good site for polar orbit launches.
It normally studies pollution and the northern lights..
I have the address for them someplace around here.
Send me email and Ill pass the info I have on it all..
I believe poker flats is either run or owned by NASA or NAsa helps??
Michael Adams
Alias: Morgoth/Ghost Wheel
End of Space Digest Volume 16 : Issue 088